Pregnant CrossFitter - Aimee Lyons
I'll start the first entree with a quick bit about me. I am currently in my 25th week of Pregnancy, an average term is 40 weeks. My goal was to start this blog about 15 weeks ago, but as we all know time goes by quickly and things remain on the checklist. So, no better time than the present! I have a lot of back post ideas and concepts so as time goes on I will continue to post on topics I have encountered over the last 25 weeks. Please feel free to ask for and add info or recommend topics. You will also be hearing from other Pregnant CrossFitters or recent Moms who CrossFitted throughout their pregnancy. In it's infancy this blog will contain a lot about my experiences, but as it progresses the goal is to have first hand chronicles of others.
I am currently 32 and my weight prior to getting pregnant was 120# but I am now 136#. The Mayo clinic states, depending on where your BMI was to start, a healthy weight gain is anywhere from 11 to 40 pounds. I have seen this vary among different publications and first hand accounts from some remarkable ladies. But, like with everything, each woman is different, not only in relation to your pregnancy and thoughts, but your weight gain will be as well.
I'm married and live in PA, in a suburb outside of Philadelphia. My husband is Jason Lyons...my biggest supporter since I decided to leave my job in May of 2008 to pursue CrossFit. He coaches at CrossFit KoP in addition to his full time job. He started drinking the proverbial CrossFit KoolAid about a year after myself Click here to read his story. I wouldn't be where I am today with out him!
I started CrossFitting in May of 2008 and haven't stopped. Since July, I have scaled based on how my body feels. I visited CrossFit Fenway on July 6th and that was the first time I didn't Rx a work out. I needed to scale as a result of two factors- the heat and my Legs both were at crucial maxes. As the blog progresses I will post my WODs or past WODs not as something all pregnant moms should do but for the on lookers to see what I have done and what has felt comfortable to my body.
What was that WOD that crushed me at CF Fenway?:
Skill: Turkish Get-up
Strength: Low Bar Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (135/155/165/155/165)
WOD: 5 Rounds for time of:
10 Kettlebell thruster, right arm
10 Kettlebell thruster, left arm
10 Kettlebell swing, right arm
10 Kettlebell swing, left arm
20 Pistols, alternating legs
* I completed three rounds in 18:27, not the prescribed 5. I used a 35# KB. This was the first time where my pistols were suffering and I could feel something different in my ligaments. My back squats were off as well.
Rewind a bit...In early May of 2010, I competed in the Central East Regional Qualifier where athletes qualify for the CrossFit Games. I was about 9 weeks pregnant (I thought I was further along at that point which was prior to the first ultrasound). I placed 10th overall and following the competition I told my mom (on Mother's Day and the rest of the KoP crew I was expecting). I was happy with my performance, but already people were beginning to notice that I wasn't myself when competing. I was a little slower and more timid, although I did pull my all time PR in a deadlift at 280# on May 8th. Training prior to Regionals was an UNKNOWN -I had no idea how my body was going to react; One of many CrossFit slogans is prepare for the unknown and unknowable and I often think about that when pregnant. There is a huge unknown because each woman is different, there can be little standardization among anyone or the advice given.
If you are reading this blog there is a good chance you already know a good bit about me, I run CrossFit King of Prussia (more info at www.crossfitkop.com) I have a job where I change peoples lives on a daily basis and make them healthier by contributing to quality of life in a variety of ways; most effectively through CrossFit. I also have the opportunity to work on the CrossFit Headquarters Training staff and travel to Level 1 certifications to teach CrossFitters more about, what else but....CrossFit.
I'll start the first entree with a quick bit about me. I am currently in my 25th week of Pregnancy, an average term is 40 weeks. My goal was to start this blog about 15 weeks ago, but as we all know time goes by quickly and things remain on the checklist. So, no better time than the present! I have a lot of back post ideas and concepts so as time goes on I will continue to post on topics I have encountered over the last 25 weeks. Please feel free to ask for and add info or recommend topics. You will also be hearing from other Pregnant CrossFitters or recent Moms who CrossFitted throughout their pregnancy. In it's infancy this blog will contain a lot about my experiences, but as it progresses the goal is to have first hand chronicles of others.
I am currently 32 and my weight prior to getting pregnant was 120# but I am now 136#. The Mayo clinic states, depending on where your BMI was to start, a healthy weight gain is anywhere from 11 to 40 pounds. I have seen this vary among different publications and first hand accounts from some remarkable ladies. But, like with everything, each woman is different, not only in relation to your pregnancy and thoughts, but your weight gain will be as well.
I'm married and live in PA, in a suburb outside of Philadelphia. My husband is Jason Lyons...my biggest supporter since I decided to leave my job in May of 2008 to pursue CrossFit. He coaches at CrossFit KoP in addition to his full time job. He started drinking the proverbial CrossFit KoolAid about a year after myself Click here to read his story. I wouldn't be where I am today with out him!
I started CrossFitting in May of 2008 and haven't stopped. Since July, I have scaled based on how my body feels. I visited CrossFit Fenway on July 6th and that was the first time I didn't Rx a work out. I needed to scale as a result of two factors- the heat and my Legs both were at crucial maxes. As the blog progresses I will post my WODs or past WODs not as something all pregnant moms should do but for the on lookers to see what I have done and what has felt comfortable to my body.
What was that WOD that crushed me at CF Fenway?:
Skill: Turkish Get-up
Strength: Low Bar Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (135/155/165/155/165)
WOD: 5 Rounds for time of:
10 Kettlebell thruster, right arm
10 Kettlebell thruster, left arm
10 Kettlebell swing, right arm
10 Kettlebell swing, left arm
20 Pistols, alternating legs
* I completed three rounds in 18:27, not the prescribed 5. I used a 35# KB. This was the first time where my pistols were suffering and I could feel something different in my ligaments. My back squats were off as well.
Rewind a bit...In early May of 2010, I competed in the Central East Regional Qualifier where athletes qualify for the CrossFit Games. I was about 9 weeks pregnant (I thought I was further along at that point which was prior to the first ultrasound). I placed 10th overall and following the competition I told my mom (on Mother's Day and the rest of the KoP crew I was expecting). I was happy with my performance, but already people were beginning to notice that I wasn't myself when competing. I was a little slower and more timid, although I did pull my all time PR in a deadlift at 280# on May 8th. Training prior to Regionals was an UNKNOWN -I had no idea how my body was going to react; One of many CrossFit slogans is prepare for the unknown and unknowable and I often think about that when pregnant. There is a huge unknown because each woman is different, there can be little standardization among anyone or the advice given.
If you are reading this blog there is a good chance you already know a good bit about me, I run CrossFit King of Prussia (more info at www.crossfitkop.com) I have a job where I change peoples lives on a daily basis and make them healthier by contributing to quality of life in a variety of ways; most effectively through CrossFit. I also have the opportunity to work on the CrossFit Headquarters Training staff and travel to Level 1 certifications to teach CrossFitters more about, what else but....CrossFit.

Hi Aimee! I just have a question regarding pregnancy and crossfit (or any other intense form of exercise). I'm currently trying to get pregnant (but have only been off the pill for 4 months). I am an exercise fanatic; I run, I bike, I do crossfit as much as possible (I live in a village in France, so...). I know that you are not a doctor, but in your opinion, does working out intensely hinder my chances of getting pregnant? When I have asked my doctors here, they tend to say something like, oh, well, just take it easy.....go for walks. ARG. A lot of the problem stems from the fact that it is France, and to make huge generalization, women don't work out here (they consider Zumba intense.). Do you have any advice?